Thursday, September 10, 2015

A Rainy Day (Finally!)

What. A. Relief. The first rainy day in almost three months for us. I was beginning to get worried about our trees! But the clouds built up and didn't burn away, the winds quieted down, and for a good chunk of the night and a good hour during the day yesterday we had rain!

Sister was home sick (her fever broke the afternoon before, but she can't go back to school until she's been fever free for 24 hours), we didn't have anywhere to be, and the crafty projects we love so well were a-callin'.

It felt so good to have a rainy day again at last.

We didn't even mind when the last drop fell and the sun came back out; the feeling of relief outside from creatures and plants was almost palpable, and that is what we needed.

Shortly after the rain stopped Audrey glanced out the windows and saw the droplets clinging to the trees and said, "Look, Bubba, everything is sparkling a thank you to the rain!"

I think she was right.

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