Monday, December 9, 2013

Right Now

Right now, our stockings are hung, our halls are decked, and aside from a few little decor projects and the repair of our beloved tree topper, our evergreen is trimmed and shining.

We braved the 7"+ of sleet crusted over everything to get out this weekend and procure our tree. I regretted the decision as we were fishtailing through town, but once back home it felt good. Good to start a fire, open up our carefully packed bins, and heat up some wassail. Good to watch the kiddos fill with wonder at the sight of each handmade, special ornament. Good to let our first Christmas in our new house expand into all the corners of our living spaces.

Right now, I'm still loving the fresh feeling of the winter holidays, and the special ways we choose to pay tribute to the new and the old.

This week, may we all appreciate the stories, the symbols, and the why behind the because, may the roads finally thaw and clear, and may we all have a happy Monday!

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