Monday, February 11, 2013

Right Now

Right now, I'm loving...

...being greeted in the morning by my baby and all her babies
because "...they wanted to be close to me, Mama."

...having breakfast with all said babies.

...Daddy's truck.

...finding this when the kids go quiet (instead of books mid-
depaging, walls being colored on, or forbidden snacks being devoured).

...making falafel with my Mama.
Our weekend found us sitting through our first full-length film as a family (Rio, two thumbs up), designing our future over mugs of hot coffee, catching the kiddos in acts of sibling kindness, some silliness, and a few incidences worthy of visits to time-out, waking to a crazy storm at 3am (we found out there were wind gusts beyond 65mph), watching scooters zooming around the driveway, and concluding the long end of a fairly good week with a visit from my parents and a great Sunday dinner.

This new week promises to be a busy one... some errands, some company, some making (don't forget Thursday is Valentines' Day... even if you're a cynic like myself, your kiddos would appreciate some heart-shaped pancakes, at least!), and some general this-and-that-ness.

In the ordinary, let us find the extraordinary. Happy Monday.

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