Thursday, April 23, 2020

Why the Chickens Crossed the...

Remember that project we started last week? We wrapped it up today, and I can finally answer that age-old question: Why did the chickens cross the "road"? Because the peeps were moving in!

As you can see, our borrowed brooder was just plain running out of room for our growing chicks, and we really didn't have another weekend to spare before they needed a bigger place to call home. In a whirlwind week we got perches, a ramp, and our automatic door installed in the playhouse, all cracks and windows fortified with chicken wire and #8 hardware cloth, and a sturdy grid of twine woven overhead. On Sunday the big girls made their big move!

Then here and there throughout the week I got the old coop cleaned out, freshened up, and battened down so the little girls could move into the big girl coop, which we happily helped them do this afternoon.

Now the garage is quiet, peaceful, and a little less smelly, the big girls have lots of room to roam, and the peeps have their own space to stretch and grow! Tonight we'll take a walk out to our chicken yard to make sure everyone went to bed where they were supposed to go, and tomorrow I'll finally get our automatic door programmed properly for the big girls, but as far as this little project is concerned, I'm calling it a wrap!

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