Monday, November 2, 2015

Working on a Plan

It's almost time for my old garden to come down and the construction process for the new garden to begin. I've had a mental block keeping me from planning the size, layout, and composition of this new garden... I'm sure the block is the emotional attachment to the old garden and the dread of tearing it up.

It will happen, though, and soon.

It's time to start working on a plan.

So... I'm googling raised garden beds. I've got to start somewhere, right?

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I'm feeling drawn to the idea of having tall raised beds topped with fencing (or removable fence panels?) instead of a ground-level garden surrounded by fence like before.

I can't remember where I pulled this photo from- anyone know the source? Let me know!
I like how raised beds look grouped together but individually complete. If I space them far enough apart, I could even get the hubs to mow around them and I wouldn't have to fight the weeds in the pathways! I just need to focus on the best way to keep the rabbits out, and the rest will fall in to place.

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So anyway, here's where my inspiration has taken me so far. Maaaayyybe I'm a little excited about this process after all.

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