Monday, March 19, 2018

Change Is Hard.

True to the way life so often goes, we've been thrown a curve ball and have been re-establishing ourselves recently after a major change in our rhythm- I've started working outside the house again. Like, as in a job in the Real World. With grown-ups only- all day- and rush-hour traffic and a lunch break and all that suit-and-tie stuff.

I'd been working from home for a couple years already, but it stopped getting us where we needed to be, and at the start of the new year we gave ourselves a deadline for me testing the waters and ultimately going back to work. I dabbled, I tested the waters (a lot), and I actually found a really great opportunity... quite a bit sooner than we'd anticipated. Everything had to move super fast, we had to do quite a scrambling-juggling act, and we actually pulled it off. Now I find myself on the cusp of my second week of work, trying to digest what's been working, what fell through the cracks, and what I hadn't even thought of before this thing took off.

The hardest part for me right now is letting go of all the time during the day I've taken so for granted- this past week has left me feeling robbed because I leave when it's still dark enough that I can't even let the chickens out, and I get home with only about an hour of daylight left to do all the things. That's definitely not what I'm used to, and my days were full before I started working away from home. There's a lot falling by the wayside right now. I'm struggling to figure out what's worth stopping to pick back up and what should just be left behind.

All that to say I've determined that my blog is not one of the things I'll be leaving behind... even though my posts may be fewer and farther between, it's still valuable and important to me to pause in this space and take note of all the little things I love about this one wild and crazy life of ours.

So send me good vibes, y'all, because right now it feels like everything is changing, and change is hard!

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