Friday, July 8, 2016

Shifting Inward

We have begun our seasonal shift into air conditioned spaces as consecutive heat indices rise above 100 for the foreseeable future. From within our cool, shadowy places we watch as the grasses start to brown, the birds all start to pant, and the heat waves make everything in the distance dance in shimmery waves.

We dash around outside in the morning and early evening hours, trying to accomplish chores and projects before the sun fully rises or sets. Everyone perpetually smells faintly of coconut-scented sunblock. Egg production drops off more severely than when the daylight hours dwindle, and the mister stays on out in the coop pretty much all day. I pity my plants and my creatures, but there is nothing to be done except monitor water supplies and count down the days until Fall.

I can't help my wandering eye when we all end up inside day after day avoiding heat stroke- the gears start turning and we all start wondering: What if we moved that table? Changed out those curtains? Painted that room a lighter color?

Looks like a revampin' is in our future! If we're all stuck inside for the the majority of a season we might as well make the most of it, don't you think?

And so we shall!

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