Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter at Home

For all the years that we've been together as a family our Easter tradition has been pretty much the same. Celebrating, eating way way too much, and usually driving quite a while both ways to be a part of it all. This year, however, circumstances shifted our tradition and kept us at home. Though we felt the absence of the ones drawn away for the weekend, being at home and gathered around our own table with our wild Littles running after balloons, hidden eggs, and eventually each other (there was a lot of sugar energy to be burned off) was actually kinda perfect.

Who knows where we'll find ourselves next year... or quite frankly, at the next holiday... but this Easter we learned that change can be a struggle, a headache, and can sometimes bring heartache, but change can also bring the opportunity for peace, joy and light. You don't have to loose your appreciation for The Way Things Were to be able to find enjoyment in what has changed, you just have to be willing to stay open to What Comes Next.

Hoping all had a great Spring-warmed table-filled well-loved weekend!

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