Monday, May 20, 2013

Right Now

Right now, I'm realizing I didn't take any photos this weekend. Not a one (so please to enjoy this beautiful sunset from last weekend, which was slower and much less stressful).

Right now, I'm thinking back over all we did (and didn't get around to doing), and coming around to the fact that this week will probably be just as much of a blur... this Monday for sure, anyway.

Right now, I'm taking solace in some peaceful music and my trusty cup (newly thrifted and a sunny yellow) full of hot coffee in this peaceful hour before the babies get up.

Right now, I'm hoping that everything that needs to be done will be accomplished, in keeping time with our grand plan (ours or the bigger Grand Plan, either one).

Right now, I'm making lists, checking e-mail, making phone calls, and wishing all a Happy Monday.

So, Happy Monday.

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