Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Not Just Dewberries

We have been all over the place since this past weekend with goings-on that I just can't wait to share in this space. Busy, busy, busy- and quite distracted- easily describes both the Mama and the Daddy of this house lately. What an atmosphere that makes! And what a welcome distraction it was when a call from Pappy announced that the dewberries were ripe.

It was an easy decision to pack everyone up and take a break in the berry brambles at my parent's house, and this morning, we'll be having the last of the fruits of our trip over our oatmeal (a sweet reminder of the reprieve of our visit).

We went down for the dewberries, but it was so much more than handfuls of berries that we took away from those fields... because ultimately, our trip wasn't just about the dewberries. We came down for a little calm, a little more space, and a little more quiet, and in the end I just can't argue the benefit of that time spent with berry-stained smiles, woolies, cool gray skies, and wide open spaces...

...but it was certainly argued when it was time to go home!

Thanks for having us, Mimmy and Pappy- even though our visit was quick, we got the most out of it.

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