Monday, March 11, 2013

Right Now

Right now, I'm loving...

...the chance to get out in the warming soil and plant seeds.

...a long visit with my parents, good laughs with my mom, and the corresponding fort that sprung up in the living room.

...rolling out dough for pizza rolls with my little guy.

...the quiet presence of our furry house guest, who has been with
us since Christmastime, and the impact of her absence
on our cat now that she's returned home.

...the frisky spring in everyone's step with the warming Spring sunshine
(despite the bout of storms that kicked off the weekend).

Right now, I'm loving the feeling of a long weekend well spent, despite the loss of an hour of that weekend (ugh, what an antiquated tradition!). This week, I hope to carry that same slow pace and unhurried agenda into our oncoming days, and linger as long as possible in the increasing light of early Spring. Happy Monday.

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