Thursday, May 7, 2020

Quarantine Project Status Updates

We're a week into May and almost 10 weeks in to this weird COVID-19 lock down. So far we've managed to purge and organize both kids' rooms, some kitchen storage, the laundry room cabinets, my closet, and our bookshelves.

We've completed the front yard water feature, cleared out some dead trees around the driveway, and fleshed out the rest of our landscaping design (at least on paper).

We've doubled our chicken setup, settled the peeps outside, and made plans to clean out and organize the garage and the garden shed.

This weekend, we took down the old wobbly fence around the original chicken yard, cleared out the brush, and took the first steps in making that area our new bee yard.

Yesterday our first new hive was introduced to the new bee yard, and this weekend we'll get a second, generously gifted by a dear fellow beek... then hopefully this winter I'll move my monster hive to join them and the old bee yard will go back to being a part of the hay field forevermore!

Oh, and if you're wondering why I included a picture of the piggies, I thought it was worthy to mention- amidst all the cleaning, purging, and reorganizing, we even made time to give Big Fat Charlie a really good scrub and trim, and now he's his brightest white and as light and airy as a big, fat cloud.

There's no telling how many more months we'll be kicking off still in quarantine, but one thing is for sure- I've been a little surprised by how easy it's been to find projects to do born of neglect and procrastination... if we keep this up, we're going to be in a pretty good place when things go back to 'normal'!

Here's hoping we can look at this new month through these newly-focused lenses and keep our momentum! Happy May!

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