Monday, August 26, 2019

Coming In

It's crispy, it's weed-ridden, and it's more full of grasshoppers than anything anyone would probably find appetizing, but it's still giving us a little something! I'm talking about my poor late-August garden, of course. The weeds in the paths are knee-high and there are seriously grasshoppers out there over 3 inches long, but there are also 7 different kinds of peppers still hanging in there and a huge volunteer watermelon that just gave us 5 sweet perfect little sugar babies. It even looks like our tomatoes might have another round in them! So whenever I can brave the 108F heat index, I run out there and pick like a madwoman, then come back in and scour my books on what exactly I can make next with red serranos, or another round of jalapenos, or even more cowhorns... so far it's been pepper salt, pepper powder, pickled peppers, and lots and lots of hot sauce!

Next on my list: how to make agua fresca with seedy little watermelons! But I'm just glad there's still something coming in!

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