Thursday, January 6, 2011


The first week of the new year at our home has been spent in recovery mode, packing and organizing and cleaning out the old to make room for the new! What a great opportunity to reflect on how much we have to be thankful for.

Even a handful of Christmas ornaments, now three Christmases old, reminded me of The Beginning, when our wee one truly was wee and we were completely clueless. What a difference perspective makes! What a beautiful ride it's been getting to know our daughter and getting to know ourselves as parents. What amazing mementos we have from that time of chaos and learning.

As I clean out closets, purge cabinets, and nest for the rest of the coming winter, my mind wanders to the 'new' that the New Year will bring. Aside from the amazingness that we have already experienced as a family of three that will continue through 2011, we will be adding someone new and wee in just a few more short months that will bring all new learning experiences, joys, fears, and things we can't even anticipate but will treasure always. We are truly blessed. Happy New Year!

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