Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Potager Progress

I'm happy to report that my little kitchen garden is coming along nicely. I have to take a moment to express how pleased I am with it's progress; there once was a time when my attention to a plant was basically a death sentence. Now, happily, I am sustaining almost everything I planted! Almost everything, you say? Yes, well, my chamomile didn't germinate, and I have since figured out I didn't treat the seeds like they needed to be treated. Never fear, though- I'll have chamomile next year, darnit!

One of my most favorite things to do in the morning (pre- Audrey waking up, post- coffee), is to walk out to my little potager squares and look for new sprouts, buds, and blossoms. It's hard to believe how quickly the aches & pains of building the raised beds have faded into the past! It's also quite amazing to compare the before...

...to the after:

These are a few pics I took this morning of the garden and surrounding plantings, after it had been raining all night:

Align Center
Zucchini growing by the back fence


Radishes around a tomato plant, with baby basil growing under them

A wee tomato

Tomatoes, marigolds, and soggy petunias, with basil and carrot sprouts

Bush beans, onions, dill, and marigolds, with an eggplant on one corner, and a jalapeño on the other

Eggplant #1 with a baby eggplant slowly turning purple

Eggplant #2, with another baby eggplant, not quite as purple

More beans, more dill, another jalapeño, spinach, and in the background, beets

The herb garden, close to the house, with 2 kinds of rosemary and a patch of oregano

The rosemary... they've doubled in size since last fall

Thyme, with 3 garlic sprouts behind it

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